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What to do when your child is selfish and greedy, especially around Christmas time? Read about siblings who can't wait to find out what they are getting for Christmas and how selfish they become. The parents are finding that the kids are arguing a lot about their Christmas list. Find out what the parents do to help the children learn the true meaning of Christmas. Great book for all children to read and learn from.

Author: Lynnda Robinson

Illustrator: Visual Myths

Pages: 38

Language: English

Size: .5 x 11"



5.0 out of 5 stars Great to teach children the joy of giving - Ryan Morgan

If you have a difficult time teaching your children the joy of giving, like most of us, this might be the book for you. As the children in the book look forward to Christmas all they could think of is what were they going to get for Christmas. Their parents were able to teach their children that giving a thoughtful gift and watching others appreciation is more powerful than receiving.



5.0 out of 5 stars A beautiful Story - Diann Boehm

A beautiful story on life’s lesson on ‘how it is better to give than receive.’ All children are excited as Christmas Day comes closer and closer. Wishing for different things and finding even more items in a catalog. Oh, the excitement of all the possibilities. The parents decide that Kerrington, Sophie, and Odin need to learn how it is more important to give, and that is what the parent accomplish. The children learn the joy of giving. “Giving not Getting” is a beautiful book for all ages.

Giving NOT Getting: A Christmas Lesson

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